Frequently asked questions
Got more questions? contact us for more information
What states do ship from?
- We ship from Houston & Miami
How often do you leave the US?
- We ship once (1x) a month from Houston
- We ship twice (2x) a month from Los Angeles & Miami
Do you offer pick-ups?
- Yes. We offer pick-ups in Houston & Los Angeles only.
If I want to shop online can I ship my items to your warehouse?
- Yes you can ship items to our Miami or Houston Warehouse.
Do you offer consolidation?
- Yes we offer consolidation at our Miami Warehouse (We charge a 15USD Consolidation Fee per box being shipped to Belize)
- Your purchased items are received at our Miami Warehouse and all boxes that they arrive in are placed into one larger box and shipped to Belize for you.
- Minimum Box starts at USD $25 and the largest box is USD $95.
If I am shopping online, how should I label my items?
- Name: YOUR NAME/
Last Name: Joseph Freight
Address Line 1: 4141 NW 36th Ave.
Miami, FL 33142
State: FL
ZIP: 33178
How should I label my boxes?
- You should label your boxes with the following:
Receiver’s name in Belize
Delivery address
Phone number
How long do packages take to arrive in Belize?
- From Miami the packages take about two weeks to arrive if there are no shipping delays
- From Houston, packages usually take approximately three weeks to arrive in Belize. After the items arrive, we commence with deliveries.
How do you charge for shipping?
- Our cost depends on the size of the box (LWH) Our minimum cost is $20 USD
- Barrels are $150 USD
- Appliances & larger house hold items have specific prices
- Electronics have specific prices as well
Does you price include customs duty?
- The price given to you already include customs duty, but in the event that your items are inspected and are for commercial purposes, the customs department can impose an additional duty on your items.