Once you have made your payment via bank or online transfer, kindly WhatsApp (+501 611.4811) us a copy of your payment along with your invoice number so that we can apply the payment to your account.
Account Name: Joseph Freight Limited
Account Number: 100 307 151
Account Name: Joseph Freight Limited
Account Number: 151 1450 1012 0001
Account: josephfreight@hotmail.com
Note:In the note section of the transfer please include your full name and invoice number.
Once you have made your payment via bank or online transfer, kindly WhatsApp (+501 602-1565) us a copy of your payment along with your invoice number.
Account Name: Joseph Freight Limited
Account Number: 100 307 151
Account Name: Joseph Freight Limited
Account Number: 151 1450 1012 0001
Account: josephfreight@hotmail.com
Note:In the note section of the transfer please include your full name and invoice number.